Newell-Fonda Mustangs Child Care
The mission of Mustangs Child Care is to provide reliable, quality child care services in an environment that nurtures and meets the needs of children and their families.
Mustangs Child Care strives to provide families of young children consistent, reliable, affordable care. We intend to supply developmentally appropriate and nurturing activities that are both child and adult initiated
Serving children 6 weeks to school age.
Daily Schedule
6:30am-7:30am - Children arrive/Open play
7:30am-7:45am - School-age, Pick-up, Pack-up, Walk to school
7:45am-8:00am - Center children pick up, Wash up, Bathroom
8:00am-8:30am - Breakfast
8:30am-10:00am - Circle time, AM Activities, Centers, Themes
10:00am-10:30am - Wash up/Bathroom, AM Snack time
10:30am-11:45am - Outside/Active play
11:45am-12:00pm - Pick up, Wash up, Bathroom
12:00pm-12:30pm - Lunch
12:30pm - 2:00pm - Story time/Rest time
2:30pm-3:30pm - Active play/Centers/Fine motor
3:30pm-3:40pm - Clean-up/Wash up/Bathroom
3:40pm-4:00pm - PM Snack
4:00pm-5:00pm - Active play/Centers/Homework/Outside play/Clean up/Pack up
5:30pm - Center Closes
1st child under 2-infant - $3.00/Hour
2nd child under 2 years - $2.50/Hour
1st child over 2 years (2-4) - $2.50/Hour
Each addition child over 2 years - $2.00/Hour
Kindergarten-School age - $2.50/Hour
Drop-ins - $3.00/Hour
225 East 2nd Street
PO Box 297
Newell, Iowa 50568
Contact Margo Peterson at petersonm@newell-fonda.k12.ia.us